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Passion for Automation

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2/2 Way Thread Type Plug (Conic) Valve

Application: Oils, Ceramic, Cement, Asphalt etc.
Pipeline: 1/2".....4"
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Body, Disc: Gray Cast Iron GG 25
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2/2 Way Flange Type Plug (Conic) Valve

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Pipeline: 1/2".....4" Flanged
Pressure: PN 10
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Body, Disc: Gray Cast Iron GG 25
Lever: GGG 40 
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3/2 Way Flange Type Plug (Conic) Valve

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Pipeline: DN40...DN150
Pressure: PN 10
Temperature: 200 C 
Body, Disc: Gray Cast Iron GG 25
Lever: GGG 40 
Conta: PTFE/Grafitic
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